Every few months or so I do a juice cleanse, usually when I’m feeling lethargic and lazy. I’ve found that a juice cleanse helps energize me and helps me with cravings. I will sometimes do a juice cleanse to jumpstart a weight cut for a big tournament. My first attempt I bought a pre-made juice cleanse, but with the price I thought I could make my own, and save some money while making sure I liked every recipe. I’ve now completed three juice cleanses juicing on my own, and have found these recipes to be my favorite.
Pre-Juice Cleanse
Try to get your body ready for the juice cleanse by cutting certain things out like caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugar for 2 to 3 days before the cleanse. While I recommend this, I have also ignored my own advice, and still felt the benefits of the cleanse, it was just a harder transition to a juice only diet.
During the Cleanse
You will be drinking six juices (one milk), periodically over the day. The 16 ounce juices should be drank approximately every 2 to 3 hours depending on when you wake up with at least 16 ounces of water in between. During the cleanse you can also drink herbal tea as long as it is noncafieneited and unsweetened. You should be able to work out just fine, however you can become dizzy and/or lightheaded during intense training. I recommend timing a juice right before training, especially live training. To help with hunger, I recommend drinking a large glass of water or tea to help curb this.
Preparing the Juices
I juiced the first two the night before and the next three the morning of, but you can do it any combination you want. The recipes should make at least three days worth, but usually find it makes about four. I spent roughly $50 on produce with leftover produce for other uses. All fruits and vegetables are washed and then chopped into pieces small enough to juice. Lemons, limes, and ginger is peeled before juicing. For the recipe with beets, I only juice part of the leaves as I detest beets, but it is up to you. The leaves are very good for you, but can make the juice more bitter.
After the Cleanse
I suggest starting with raw fruits and vegetables for your first meal, and then focusing on fruits and vegetables for a few days. Having something heavy can be hard on the stomach for some. I also will continue to replace one meal with a juice for a few days afterwards, usually breakfast.
Morning Green Juice
- 1.5 bunches of Kale
- 1 bunch of Celery
- 1 bunch Romaine
- 10 ounces Spinach
- 1 cup Parsley
- 4-5 Apples (depending on size)
- 2 Cucumbers
Pineapple Apple Mint with Kale
- 2 Pineapples, cored and peeled
- 1 bunch of Kale
- 3-4 Apples depending on size
- ~6 Sprigs of Mint (depending on preference)
- Optional: Lemon
Note: I have started to buy already peeled and cored pineapple to decrease the amount of work.
Green Juice Two
- 1.5 bunches of Kale
- 10 ounces Spinach
- 4 Pears
- 2 cups Grapes
- 1 bunch Romaine
- 2 Cucumbers
- 1 bunch Celery
Apple Ginger Limeade
- 8 Limes
- 1-2 inches Ginger (depending on preference
- 6-7 Apples depending on size
- Optional: Agave Nectar or Honey
After juicing I drink a 1:1 ratio of juice to water, as it is very tart, add water until taste if unsure. As limeade is not for everyone I offer a lemonade substitute.
Spicy Lemonade
- 9 Lemons
- 1-2 inches Ginger (depending on preference
- 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
- Optional: Agave Nectar or Honey
I also drink a 1:1 ratio of juice to water, but it is up to you, add water to taste
Beet Juice
- 6 Beets
- 2 cups Grapes
- 1 bunch Kale
- 1/4 cup Parsley
- 2-3 Apples depending on size
- 1 bunch Celery
Note: Make sure to wash the beets well as they are usually covered with dirt. I also choose to not juice most of the beet leaves out of distaste of beets, however beet leaves are full of antioxidants and are great for you.
The last juice (milk) can be made, but I have found it easier to use a store bought kind of almond milk, cashew milk or coconut milk, unsweetened.
Grocery List
- 4 bunches Kale
- 20 oz. Spinach
- 2 bunches Romaine
- 4 Cucumbers
- 3 bunches Celery
- 6 Beets
- 20 Apples (1 bag)
- 4 Pears
- 1-2 bunches Parsley
- 2 Pineapples
- 1 lb. Grapes
- Mint
- 8 Limes or (9 Lemons)
- 1-2 inches Ginger
- Optional: Agave Nectar/Cayenne Pepper
These recipes should make more than enough juice for three days. Happy Juicing!!