Meet AJ Clingerman. She’s a purple belt out of Indianapolis, gym owner, instructor at IBJJA and Endurance BJJ, Master Purple belt Nogi World Champion, and runs the women only grappling camp, Roll Model. She also co-hosts the podcast, Beauty and the Gi, with Jen Edds.

Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where do you live, where do you train, how long have you been training?
My name is AJ Clingerman. I’m a 4 stripe Purple Belt under my husband James Clingerman. We are out of Indianapolis, IN. How long I’ve trained is a tough question. The short answer is since about 2009. The longer answer is that I first trained in 1999. I trained a lot in 2004, but then got a job that didn’t allow me to train at all. I came back in 2009, but was in a pretty bad place emotionally from 2010-2012. I got my Blue in 2013 and became much more obsessed with Jiu JItsu starting around that time.

How did you get into jiujitsu? What did you want to get out of it in the beginning, and what do you want to get out of it now?
My then boyfriend James was doing Jiu Jitsu, so at first it was just to do something with him. We opened our first academy in 2000, so after that I trained more to support another woman on the mat. It wasn’t until that 2013 time frame that I started getting into Jiu JItsu for me. Now, I probably enjoy it more than my husband does. I get so much out of BJJ. I don’t even know where to start! I get time with my husband James and my best friend Risser. I get to do something active that helps me physically and mentally. Most of my good friends I have met through Jiu JItsu. I get to help others improve their lives. I get so much out of it.
Tell me about what you’ve accomplished in jiujitsu.
My biggest accomplishment is probably Roll Model Women’s Only Grappling Camp. We have had 7 events now and up to 160 women at an event. Of everything I’ve done in Jiu Jitsu, that’s what I’m most proud of. I’m proud that we are able to bring so many women together to participate in a sport they love, to feel a part of something, and to make life long friendships.

I run two academies and I teach multiple classes a week to men and women. I do have a world title under my belt in no-gi, which I’m proud of, but not near as proud as I am of the community that I have helped to grow.
How has jiujitsu changed your life?
That’s a very vast question for me. Almost my entire life revolves around Jiu Jitsu. It’s my work and it’s my passion.
How have you used jiujitsu to change other peoples lives?
I hope I’ve been able to be a part of changing lots of lives through Jiu Jitsu. People come into the academy wanting to be able to protect themselves, or lose weight, or build confidence. I think Jiu Jitsu can help with all of that. I work hard to make sure people feel included. I never want anyone to feel like an outcast on my mat. We are all a team. Our motto for the Roll Models is Not Your Competition. We may compete against each other at a tournament, but we are not competing in life. We are all in this together and together we are stronger.
If you had one piece of advice to give women in jiujitsu or those wanting to start, what would it be?
Join in. Get involved. Know that everyone is going through their own battles, so even if you are the new person, try to introduce yourself. Even the lady with blue on her belt might be self-conscious or have trouble making friends. It’s kind of the ‘Be the change you wish to see’ kind of thing. Don’t judge others. You don’t know what they are going through. If you can live by that everyone is just doing the best they can with what they have, you’ll have a great deal more compassion for your teammates. Jiu Jitsu is such an amazing community. Don’t hesitate to be a part of that!
Find AJ, Roll Model, and Beauty and a Gi on Social Media
Facebook: RollModelsWanted and BeautyandtheGiPodcast
Instagram: @RollModelGrappling, @BeautyandtheGiPodcast, and @AJClingerman
Twitter: @BeautyandtheGi
Youtube: Beauty and the Gi
Roll Model Website and Beauty and the Gi Website
Contact us at:
Instagram: @WomenWhoRollBJJ